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Showing posts from December 22, 2020


 Write the drawbacks of the Soviet systems ?  Ans: The drawbacks of the Soviet systems are as follow:- 1. The Soviet system became very bureaucratic as well authoritarian in character; 2. The people of Soviet Union lack basic freedoms such a ferrdom of speeches and association as well as freedom of press. Lack of democracy made the political institutions unaccountable to the people;  3. The one party system represented by the communist party had a tight control over the administrative affairs of the country. In Soviet union,reforms in political institutions has became a necessity; 4. The communist party also refused to recognise the demands of the fifteen different republics that were party of the Soviet union.


 Discuss the consequence of Shock Therapy. Ans: The widrawl of subsides by the government created greater challenges for ordinary people in these countries.A large section was pushed into absolute poverty. While these states gave importance to the economic reconstruction,the same importance was not given to rebuilding as well as strengthening of democratic institutions.Constitutions of new countries were drafted in a hurry and it led to concentration of power. One of the major consequences of this policy was that it led to the virtual disappearance of large industries from Russia and other east European countries.The individuals system collapsed and 90 percent of such industries were sold to private industrials and companies. The economics of the newly independent countries were being controlled by major and smugglers.Farmer Soviet States became divided into rich and poor nations and the entire region suffered from economic inequality.


 What are the cause of Soviet Union's Disintegration ? Ans : The cause of Soviet Union's Disintegration are as follow :- 1. The reforms initiate by Gorbachev to improve the economy and the administration were taking place in a very slow place. 2. Another reasons of the disintegration of Soviet Russia is the dawn of nationalism in Russia,the Baltic States (Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania) along with Ukraine,Georgia etc. republics and their aspiration for Sovereignty 3. There was also rise of Protests by nationalists in certain Asia.The economic and religious differences among the central Asian member republics of Soviet Union and other states became an important cause. 4. Historically Soviet Union was formed with the comming together of same independent republic state.These nations were different from one another in many spheres. 5. Economic stag nation from 1960's is another important cause of Soviet disintegration. 6. Gorbachev 's reforms immediate waste immediate cause of So...


 What are the causes of cold war ? Ans: The causes of cold war are as follow:- 1. Orthodox view : The orthodox view was that cold war was essentially a result of view.Agressive policies of Soviet Union and stalin which needed to be confronted.The expansion of soviet union threatend the national security of the US. 2. Revisionist view : According to the revisionists, the foreign policies of US were especially desined for the promotion of capitalism,globally.Thus,accordingly them,the US policies and its quest for promotion of global capitalism has created insecurity for the Soviet Union. 3. Post-revisionist view : From this perspective,the cold war was not so much the responsibility of either side,but rather the results of predictable tensions between two word powers that had been suspicious of one another for nearly a country.


 Write a note on Cuban Missile Crisis ? Ans: In September 1962,the Cuban and Soviet government began tu build military and Missile bases in Cuba,from where the Soviet Union could have the ability to strike most of the continental United States.After the Soviet Union placed nuclear weaponsin Cuba,the Kennedy administration was determined to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba.American warships were ordered to intercept Soviet ships heading towards Cuba.A clash seemed imminent and the world was on a brink of another major war and came to be known as Cuban Missile Crisis.However,both sides were known to avert aonther war and direct confrontation was avoided.


 Write a note on Korean war ? Ans: The Korean war was a military conflict between the Republic of Korean,supported by the United Nations particularly the US, and Democratic people's Republic of Korea,supported by the people's Republic of china (PRC),with military material and from the Soviet Union.The war began on 25 July 1953 and an armistice was signed on 27 July 1953.The war was a result of the physical division of Koreas.With both North and South Korea sponsored by the external powers,the Korean war was a prox war.


What is cold war ? Ans: After second world war there were two super powers came into existence in world politics. Both the super powers want to establish there hegemony thus they create a series of tension this tension is called cold war.